Specialist Property Investment Experts
The 3 e's experience, expertise & ethics
We have combined our experience with the expertise of industry best suppliers, and all decisions are guided by a clear understanding of performing in an ethically sound manner.
Our Site Acquisition Manager comes with 22 years experience sourcing sites for Defence Housing. Our building partner employs the latest building technology to shorten build times while exceeding all industry standards in disability.
The properties are built better, and thus you may think more expensive, that's simply not true. The efficiency of construction and pre-planning allows us to save you money on the initial build while future-proofing the design by meeting SDA "recommended" design guidelines that will become mandatory in the years to come, saving you expensive future retro-fit work.
what to expect
There is quite a bit to cover here, to start off with it must be understood why we are doing what we are doing. The Participants have choice of where they live, and who they live with, having said that the group home scenario is less and less appealing in comparison to Independent Living options.
From the outset we will discuss with you where we have demand for the property and the type of tenants to expect to be supporting, an Engagement Letter will outline our involvement and what is required of yourself. Given our typical clients work or own businesses, they have little time to manage an ongoing project of this level of complexity.
Our role is to manage all the moving parts, working with the acquisition of land, DA/BA process, negotiations with Council, Agents, Finance companies and Solicitors.
Once a site has been thoroughly researched and documentation prepared supporting the location we walk you through the proposal.
Acceptance of the site triggers the issuance of fixed price build contracts, loan applications, and all the logistics associated with managing a development. The more you have to do, and the more difficult we make it for you, the less likely you are to want to be involved, so we work around the clock to make it simple.
OUR Process
Once engaged we will source a suitable site that is supported with tenancy demand.
Working with our Channel
Partners we help source funding options to best suit your circumstances.
A comprehensive proposal is supplied outlining the specifics of the site and build.
We work with the Builder to ensure a smooth process throughout build to handover.
If you are looking for long term tenants you need to understand the technology requirements. You want to make the tenants as comfortable as possible, as you know they have choice so you want them to be happy.
Selecting the right technology package needs to not only be high-tech, but also low maintenance, how do we do that?
It's quite simple really, we only work with the best of the best.